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At the Dunn Energy Cooperative Annual Meeting on May 16, a new program was introduced. Supporting Cooperative Principle 5: Education, Training, and Information, it was announced that a new program the Cooperative is launching this fall. The Power Connection: Conversations with your Cooperative will be a five-session program where a small group of members will be invited to learn more about Dunn Energy Cooperative. Topics to be covered include:

Co-ops 101: The history, principles, and governance of Dunn Energy Cooperative.

Our Energy Landscape: Beneficial electrification, renewable energy, shifting energy resources and more.

The Grid: What makes up the grid and the entities involved in delivering your power.

Future Challenges: Grid stability, Legislation, and member engagement.

The inaugural class will be small, but if you are interested in participating, please feel free to email Jolene at for more details. Watch for more details on social media and our website.