Member-owned Renewable Energy Installations

Dunn Energy Cooperative, along with Dairyland Power Cooperative, has limited the maximum size of member-owned renewable energy installations to 20kW (AC) or less. 

How do I get started?

  • Contact our Energy Specialist to make sure your project qualifies
  • Fill out and submit the Distributed Generation application (below)
  • Pay the application and commissioning fees.
  • Contact your township's building inspector for any required permits/inspections 

How do I start producing power?

  • Once your system is installed, make an appointment for the final anti-island inspection

Application and Commissioning Fee Breakdown

System Size Application Fee Commissioning Fee
1-8kW $150 $150
9-20kW $300 $150
20-200kW $300 + $10/kW $250
200kW - 1MW $2,000 + $2/kW $1,000
1-15MW $4,000 + $.050/kW $2,500

Transformer Upgrade Fees for Renewable Energy Projects 

15 kVa OH $1,500.00
25 kVa OH $1,750.00
15 kVa UG $2,000.00
25 kVa UG $2,100.00
37.5 kVa UG $2,250.00
50 kVa UG $2,500.00


10 Things to Do Before Installing Solar

DG Booklet

Fillable DG Application

Solar Testing Procedure Checklist

Electrical Contractor's Affidavit

Sub Meter Off-Peak w/Production Meter Diagram

Community-Owned Solar


SunDEC is Dunn Energy Cooperative's 100kW Community Solar array. The array is located southeast of Menomonie on 370th Avenue in the Town of Dunn. SunDEC went into operation in February of 2017 and is built on the same site as the Dairyland Power Cooperative 1 Megawatt solar array.

Please click on the production graphic to see real-time energy production at SunDEC Community Solar