What Makes Energy Sense for You?

As your energy provider our goal is to help you make decisions that make sense for your home and your family. We offer many different programs, incentives, and resources to help make that happen. Below are descriptions of some of the programs we offer. Go ahead. Scroll down. Start educating yourself on energy savings now.

The Use Energy Wisely guide is a great place to start! You can download it now and do a little math later and find out where your usage is coming from. 

Use Energy Wisely

Energy Conservation

At Dunn Energy Cooperative we pride ourselves in being able to help our members find ways to save money on their energy bills. From conservation tips to rebates on efficient lighting, we can find something for you at DEC. As a service to our members we will have a certified energy auditor analyze your home and give you hints for ways to save. 

Renewable Energy

SunDEC Community Solar gives members the opportunity to participate in renewable energy without all of the hassle of having it installed on their own property. The 100kW solar array, located near Downsville, is available to members in 250-watt increments. If you are interested in purchasing the output from the SunDEC array, please contact our office. 

Load Management

Are you interested in saving money, energy, and helping keep rates down?

Do you have electric heat, central air, or an electric water heater?

Then maybe our Load Management program is for you! Click on in and find out more. 

Article Newsfeed

Keeping Outdoor Workers Safe in Hot Weather

Working in extreme heat can be hazardous. Learn the warning signs of heat-related illnesses.

How to Keep Your Upstairs Cool in the Summer

Stop sweating it out on your second floor. This video shows how you can stay cool and save all season long.

Is Your Facility Ready for Summer?

Summer can bring extreme temperatures, high humidity levels and sudden storms to your facility. Are you prepared?

6 Easy Conservation Tips for Renters

Give your energy bills a new lease on life with these simple cost-saving measures.

Air Source Heat Pumps are Comfortably Efficient

Air source heat pumps can provide highly efficient comfort for your home all year long.

811: Make That Call Before You Break Ground

Planning a facility expansion or outdoor landscaping project that involves digging? Calling 811 is a smart business decision.