One of the seven Cooperative Principles is Economic Participation. As a member of the cooperative, you have the benefit of the return of patronage capital, or profit. Capital credits reflect your ownership in the cooperative. Your cooperative has returned nearly $19 million dollars in patronage capital checks to its members throughout the years.
As you pay your energy bill, we utilize the revenue to grow, operate, and maintain a safe and reliable system. Any revenue that is earned over and above these costs of doing business is called margins. Your portion of allocated margins is then returned to you in the form of capital credits. Every member gets a "piece of the pie."
Account Reminders
If you move off Dunn Energy lines, please be sure to contact our office with your new address so we can continue to send capital credit retirements you are eligible to receive in the future. Every year we receive checks back from members who have moved and we don't have a forwarding address for. We will attempt to locate members by publishing a list of names every year in our Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News magazine and The Dunn County News.
In cases where the person is deceased, please call us if you know the contact information for a relative or benefactor who may have a rightful claim to the capital credits. Any unclaimed checks will revert to the Wisconsin Federated Youth Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a charitable tax-exempt trust established by the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association for educational purposes.
Unclaimed Capital Credits
Dunn Energy Cooperative has unclaimed patronage capital funds (capital credits) for former members of Dunn Energy Cooperative. Funds for these people have been unclaimed for three years. In accordance with cooperative bylaws, after 60 days from this publication, the unclaimed funds shall be forfeited from the cooperative to be used for student scholarships or charitable purposes. If you know the whereabouts of these former members, please ask either the individual member or the executor of the estate to contact us at 800-924-0630. Regular business hours are from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. If you prefer email, address your message to