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Your HVAC system is critical to maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. To truly optimize comfort and efficiency, however, you have to lean on your building envelope — the walls, windows and exterior doors in your home. With these measures, you can push your building envelope to a higher level of performance.

Have an energy checkup

Start the process with a home energy audit. Your auditor will test for air leaks and evaluate your insulation levels. Assessments are performed by energy consultants and engineering firms. Certification ensures that your service provider is trained and experienced in auditing procedures. This will tell you where your money will be best spent. For more information on audits, visit our website at or call 715-232-6240.

Weatherize doors and windows

Gaps around windows and exterior doors can let conditioned air escape, costing you money and comfort. Inspect windows for cracked caulk or gaps around the edges; replace damaged and missing caulk. Make sure exterior doors seal tightly, and replace old or loose weatherstripping.

Fill the cracks

Windows and doors are easy to spot, but there are other, less obvious, places where conditioned air can escape outdoors. Check for gaps between the foundation and walls, as well as around plumbing or wiring access to the outside. Seal with caulk or expanding foam.

Check building insulation

Adequate wall and ceiling insulation are critical for optimizing energy efficiency and ensuring comfort. The right level of insulation for your home depends on the building type, local climate and other factors. Hire a qualified contractor to ensure your building insulation levels meet or exceed recommended standards.

Get a better view

Does your home have older windows? If so, upgrading to newer, high-performance windows can save on energy costs by reducing thermal loss and solar heat gain. Window efficiency is measured by solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and U-Factor (window insulation value).

The National Fenestration Ratings Council (NFRC) certifies window products based on a specific set of performance criteria. Work with a qualified window installer to ensure that your new windows are NFRC-certified.