Look for this postcard in your mailbox shortly!
The Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Saturday, June 27 at the Cooperative office. Technically, it will be held in our green space just north of our building. Due to COVID-19, employees will take all necessary precautionary measures in registering you for our meeting. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. You will remain in your car at all times for the duration of the meeting, which will begin at 10:30 a.m. We will have a designated radio station for you to tune into to hear the meeting. A simple boxed lunch will be provided at registration that you will be able to take with you. The meeting will certainly be different this year. We appreciate your continued patience and flexibility during this time.
Dunn Energy Cooperative Annual Meeting Rescheduled
With careful consideration of our members, staff, and in light of the Department of Health's request that non-essential gatherings of 250+ be rescheduled or canceled, Dunn Energy Cooperative has decided to postpone the Annual Meeting of Members.
Ballots that have already been cast will remain sealed and in our locked vault. We will continue to collect mailed ballots until the previously printed deadline of 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 20. Monday, March 23 the Dunn Energy Cooperative Corporate Counsel and the Nominating and Elections Committee Chair will count the sealed ballot envelopes (not the actual ballots themselves) for a certified gross count and secure them in the vault until Friday, June 26. On June 26 the Nominating and Elections Committee will convene to carry out their scheduled duty of counting the ballots.
Dunn Energy Cooperative provides an essential service to its membership. Electricity is a necessity for our daily lives at work and at home. This is why the Cooperative has initiated plans to reduce the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to its employees and members. The following steps are being taken to help mitigate as much unnecessary risk as possible:
- Postponement of Annual Meeting of Members: Due to Governor Evers declaration of a Health Emergency, and the Department of Health's request that non-essential gatherings of 250+ people be canceled or rescheduled, we have taken measures to postpone the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 27, 2020 at the Dunn Energy Cooperative headquarters.
- Implementation of more frequent cleaning and sanitizing schedule throughout all Dunn Energy Cooperative facilities.
- Coordination of interdependent utilities, contractors, and suppliers to evaluate how operations could be impacted by potential disruptions and make plans to reduce the chance of those disruptions.
- Limitation of non-essential travel and minimization of unnecessary large group interaction.
- Preparing office employees to work remotely from home when possible and if it becomes necessary. Lineworkers will be available for any potential outages.
- Members who are financially impacted by extenuating circumstances related to Coronavirus will be encouraged to contact DEC to set up a special payment plan.
As an essential service provider, it is our responsibility to be prepared and these steps are simply precautionary. We encourage you to do your part to reduce the spread of any infectious diseases by thoroughly washing your hands, covering coughs, sneezes, and sniffles with a tissue, and avoid touching your face. More recommendations are available on the Centers for Disease Control website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html.
If you have any questions, please call us at 800-924-0630 or email us at info@dunnenergy.com